Sunday 6 May 2012

Literacy WALT:Justify answers using information from text.

How is Matt feeling about Juzza now?
He wants to help him, because Juzza is so caught up in his gang association, that he dosen't realise that Skulla and the Gang are using him.

Who is Gawk?
"Gawk" is the name Matt uses to explain a perve, that is queer,  spying on lovers. In the book, Gawk has orange 90's styled hair, a tropical t-shirt and tight shorts, quite dodgy.

What was Gawk doing?
Gawk(creepy, dodgy pervert  queer guy) was interested in two lovers, doing their thing, in the bush. The book also states that Gawk got angry at Matt when Matt made a noise and stopped the couple from doing whatever and scared them away.

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