Tuesday 1 May 2012

Caucasian-to describe people who are races of Asian, European, North African and Indian.

e.g-They must be Caucasian.

Sovereigns-Money, in the books case, gold coins♥

e.g-I found five sovereigns with my imaginary metal detector.

Complexion-The natural colour of the skin, or Appearance.

e.g-his complexion terrified Hulk, and nothing, terrifies Hulk.

Absence-State of being away, or not present.

e.g-Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Resistant-Something or someone that orevents things, or resists things☺

e.g-My watch is water resistant

Corrossion-To rust

e.g-There was so much corrossion on my bike that i couldn't ride


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