Tuesday, 4 September 2012

We find out the truth, sort of.

1, The field of Asphodel looks like 10million times of a football field filled with lost souls, the same number of people that could fit in the stands only 10million more times.

2, You had to be reborn three times, you also have to have achieved something.

3,Grovers shoes dragged him 10 feet from the pit. So they went with the shoes guts and kept going.

4,Hades aura is different because it makes people feel evil and  want to be controlled by him.

5, Some were in medeavil costumes which dated back a long time ago, some looked like they were once in the us marine and some looked like they were covered in army stuff, with ak 47s and machine guns.

6, Hades complains about his helm being stolen, not wanting war and the underworld being  crammed with too many people that he's not that rich no more.

7, Percy found that Zeus's thunder bolt was in his backpack.

8,By using them he gave Hades no other choiuce but to kepp his mum and release everyone from the underworld.I would stay myself for my mom, i am a demi god, so there should be someway to get out, i'd just give the Bolt to grover so he could take it up and let him feel like a hero, he can finally redeem himslef.

9, They have saved him everytime they came across a bump in the road, they would sacrafice themselves for him, they both are his true friends.

10, Just throw them at your feet at anytime you're in need, then they'll save you, turning you into monograms and return you to the sea.

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