1-Pukaki was believed to be a Maori Protector, born in the 1700's, carved in 1836.I liked that Pukaki was returned to it's home/haukainga
2-This gallery was about the waka Te Arawa and it's arrival to New Zealand/Aotearoa. It was quite interesting learning even more facts
3-Gallery three was about all the objects Maori used back then. I found it quite interesting that Tutanekai's flute was made of a dead mans right arm.
4-I learnt in this Gallery more about patterns on the whare, and found it fun looking for all the spiral designs on the Pataka/Food Storage Area
5-This exhibit was very exciting, it was an exhibit of what Europeans brang to New Zealand(e.g-Organ)
6-The Mt Tarawera exhibit was exhilarating, Information about Guide Sophia,the story about the famous Guide who spoke both Maori and English and ran tours around the terraces was a remarkable story.
7-Gallery seven was very breathtaking, seeing as they had so much information on both world wars 1 & 2, and had all the members of the maori battalion from Rotorua on the wall.
8-Gallery eight had loads of information about Rotorua born celebrities like "Temuera Morrison". Another exciting exhibit it was.
North wing
-I found looking at baths got boring after a little while
-The Art Gallery was both interesting and devastating, looking at art of all emotions, happy, sad, angry e.t.c....
-I liked the Fairy Exhibit because i like playing Dress-Ups
-That sci-fi stuff was pretty cool, but was a bit creepy as-well
-The view was Beautiful, seeing Rotorua from there made me feel proud of where i was from.
-Downstairs where the pipe room is, was very small, but very AWESOME. It was scary and fun at the same time.