Monday 29 October 2012

Day 6, even though haven't done all days ♥

Today I learnt something very interesting in my book, Battlefield support, it says that Stealth airplanes can be faster than the speed of sound. How awesome is that, this book motivates me alot now, finding out Fascinating facts.

Sunday 28 October 2012

Battlefield Support

Read it once again, still the same , but less interesting knowing what will happen

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Battlefield support

So far, it's been about all the stuff that goes into the war,e.g:Jeeps, Humvilles, tanks, and stuff. I've finished the book and now i'm just analysing all the stuff and googling what they are. :)

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Chapter 5-Machine Gunners

He pours ink to make him look embarrassed. To cover his guilty face.

He's more concerned with the polices authorities than what they found

It was the newest gun out, lethal and very deadly.

In the last chapter, it was stolen by someone who cut it with a hacksaw, the cut was too rough for an adult, it had to me a grammar school student.

It isn't big enough for a machine gun

A bullet magazine

That he's very mischievous, and quite a character. Chas is also very brave.

Boddser can be mean, he also likes fights (i think?) He does get picked on alot but he picks on others just as much.

They are gonna work together and learn to snipe, use assault rifles and  fight there way through to safety.

Monday 22 October 2012

Okay then.

So like yesterday, this Hitler guy just waltsed into the prison, thinkings he owns this place. Uhh, hitler. No. Just No. I'm the boss of this block, ain't no one gone try take that away from me. So  i thought i'd show him who's boss. I said MEIIN KAMFFT KRAWWT KETRUN, and he was like "Erkk ooshmaTajhmahall" and i was like "Gluten Tarken messhh messh" Yeap, that's right i said it. How dare he just act like he knows everything. I took the prison keys out and unlocked his shanks,shoverd him into the cell and told him too MEIN KAMFF.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Battelfield Support-Geoff Cornish

10 Pages read.
This book so far has been talking about all the things that make a war happen eg-Wagons, steam trains, Tanks, Airplanes and much more. Like ships that carry armour and fuel and supplies for everyone, which I find magnificant. I think the book is very good, showing all the work that everyone puts into for war.