Tuesday 19 June 2012

How to do the thingymybob

1st, I pushed the movie button then pressed upload file
2nd, I found my slide show file
3rd, I changed the file to windows media
4th, I said okay and uploaded it

Monday 18 June 2012


I learnt that the Black Death killed more than 70 million people.
I learnt how to time my powerpoint
I learnt how to use transitions to my advantage in a powerpoint
I learnt that the Black Death still exists
I learnt that The Black Death still exists
I learnt that the song “Ring Around The Rosie” Is based on The Plague
I learnt that The Black Death is a natural disaster

Sunday 17 June 2012

The Black Death


A familiar nursery rhyme, that many of you have recited may seem  like a harmless play song, yet it ironically refers to Europe's most devastating disasters-The Plague, also know as...THE BLACK DEATH
“Ring around the Rosie” which refers to the infected fleabites, that form rings.
“A pocket full of posies”  Those who weren’t affected with the plague, wore posies to ward off the  odour  from those  who were.
“Ashes,  Ashes” a child's imitation of the sneezing made by those who were infected, it was also believed that most corpse were cremated because of the revolting stench.
Hence the words ashes.
“We all fall down” By now, this one should need little explanation.

The Black Death is a pandemic which, as I said before, occurred a long time ago. Rodents and fleas had a significant role in this disease, causing all of it. The fleas would bite the infected rodents,  and travel on the boats with the rodents, to other countries, once they (the fleas) had bitten someone, the person would be instantly infected, and will die, slowly. Those who are infected, are very contagious.

The first recorded case of the plague was in China, in 224.b.c.e.
But the most enormous outbreak was in the mid fourteenth century . Over a five year period between 1347-1352, 25 million people died. One third to one half of the Europe population was wiped out. The Black Death lingered on for centuries, particularly in cities. Outbreaks included the Great Plague of London (1665-66), in which one in five residents died. In total of the whole world-75mill-200million people had died because of the black plague.

Some plague doctors wore a special costumes, although graphic sources show that plague doctors wore a variety of clothes. The costumes were invented by Charles de L’Orme in 1619; they were first used in Paris, but later spread to be used throughout Europe. The  suit had a heavy fabric overcoat that was waxed, a mask of glassed eye openings and a  beak to hold scented substances because back then it was believed that the plague was cause by “bad air” in which doctors perfumed there  coats and masks.
Some of the scented materials were amber, balm-mint leaves, camphor, cloves, laudanum , myrrh, rose petals and storax..A wooden cane was also used to help examine the patient without touching.

I think the question all of you have been dying to ask is, is it still around.
Unfortunately, it is, there are very random reports of The Plague, commonly reported in America.
Luckily, we have the facilities, the antidotes and the resources to manage the disease.

Again, if there are any enquires, do ask.

Credit to-Copy and paste (please applaud)
Mozzila fire fox (applause)
Google( applause)
You tube converter (for converting songs)
Internet Explorer

Monday 11 June 2012

To whom it may concern...

I am twelve years old, and i am writing to you as a young adult being against your last publication on Unicorns and mythical creatures.
Unicorns, do and will always exist. As an editor, being imaginative and creative are your duties.
Where's that gone?
People believe in God, even though he has a book to prove it, unicorns, fairies, they have television shows and 3D movies.
Maybe your life is a bit turned at the moment, us humans only see what the eyes can take in. What if there's more?
Have we thought about beyond our eyesight?
Have we thought beyond Earth?
Have we thought beyond the Entire Galaxy?

We will never know if someone's watching us.
For instance, did the who's in Horton Hears a Who know that their whole world was based on a tiny speck?
I'm not saying that that is happening, I'm saying that we are not considering all of the arguments.
And who would question the fine art of Dr Sues.

As you can see, there are a lot of opinions here, but from a stupid twelve year old, i bet you you wont even consider this argument .

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Student Council-7/6/12

Correspondence-Radio Network Special Childrens Christmas Party??
Child Cancer Foundation-One day to raise funds for a child with cancer.-Next Term??

Ministry of education-Sent letters back

Minutes-Mufti Day Wed 22nd June
            -School Disco Wed22nd June
            -Playtopia for a Dj

Matters Arising-It is comfirmed, The Disco will be held on the 22nd of june, those who wish can come, those who have Basketball Can come back to the Disco.

Tshirts- They are bringing back house t-shirts-
  Would you rather buy them from school??
   Or would you get your own in black and pay for printing.(with school logo?)

Onday-maybe fundraising to bring coins..
No-Christmas party maybe, maybe not...